Rank 5 Gifts

A list of all Rank 5 Gifts for Werewolf: the Apocalypse, compiled from all source books, using the revised edition of books when available. For Gifts of a different rank, see the Werewolf Gifts section.

Technotheocratic Apocalyptica

Rank 5 Glass Walker Gift They say the Glass Walkers worship their technology. That’s foolishness. Worshipping mere tools confuses the master with the servant. Worshipping monsters, now, that has some more flair. This Gift allows the Glass Walker to turn all machines in the room into possessed monsters; mobile phones suddenly beginning ringing at their …

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Shared Strength

Rank 5 Ahroun Gift No matter how strong you are, you can’t be everywhere. Sooner or later, if you live long enough, every Ahroun will experience the heartbreak of seeing a packmate die in combat, and knowing that they simply couldn’t be there to help. Elders have seen this more than any, so it is …

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Rank 5 Ragabash Gift “Consider it a bio-electrical blackout.” That’s how Pat O’Reidy described this Gift, and it remains the best description there is for it. For a short period, everyone in the room simply goes blank. They still stand upright (unless they were laying down to begin with, but eyes close, senses go dead, …

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Umbral Body

Rank 5 Metis Gift The metis body is strange. Born in a form not intended by Gaia or nature, deformed and occasionally showing signs of animals entirely unrelated to man or wolf, it is little wonder the breed has been outcast and hated. But some metis have used this body to their advantage, and it …

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Übermensch / Beyond Human

Rank 5 Homid Gift Called Beyond Human in the 20th Anniversary Edition The Garou is human plus. Human plus strength, agility and health. Human plus devoted, assured spirituality and meaning. Human plus animal instinct and lightning reflexes. He is as man, but greater and more whole. Every Garou radiates this to some extent, causing humans …

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Song of the City-Beast

Rank 5 Glass Walker Gift The lupus of many tribes know the Songs of the Great Beast, which can summon semi-legendary monsters such as giant sharks, apemen and dinosaurs. While skunk-apes, Jersey Devils and mothmen are not common in cities, the knowledgeable Glass Walker can call forces of equal power with this Gift. This Gift …

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Resolute Vow

Rank 5 Croatan Gift The Croatan’s legendary stubbornness and strength of purpose was often a hindrance, but they often drew great power from it as well. A Garou with this Gift can persevere against all odds, pursuing a goal of vengeance or a spiritual quest to its end when even great heroes would turn back. …

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Break the Loom

Rank 5 Stargazers Gift The Stargazer uses controlled cognitive dissonance to temporarily confuse Paradox and banish it. With riddles and conundrums posed to the t h in air, the Stargazer thus confuses the Weaver, who halts her spinning as she tries to solve the riddle. This Gift is taught by Chimera herself. System: The player …

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Balance of Wormwood

Rank 5 Wendigo Gift With this Gift, a character can learn to aid another Garou who has succumbed to the service of the Wyrm, and guard them from the Destroyer’s influence. Because Great Wendigo treasures the purity of his Tribe, he has conferred this Gift upon his children, to give them greater power to continue …

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Rank 5 Stargazers Gift Awakening the Serpent Fire Gift: The Serpent Fire gifts must be learned in order, from 1 – 5. The crown chakra stirs and the third eye opens. The Stargazer gains immense wisdom and occult perception. System: Roll Wits + Enigmas and spend one Gnosis point. Each success lowers the difficulty of …

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