Kinfolk Gifts

Many Children of Gaia support their Kin’s learning Gifts and have helped them create their own unique Kinfolk Gifts. The following are examples of such Gifts; of course, werewolves may learn them too. With Storyteller approval, players might wish to create specialized Gifts for their characters, as well. Such Gifts automatically count as being within any Kinfolk’s breed or tribe for purposes of spending experience.


Rank 1 Kinfolk Gift A Kinfolk uses this Gift to hear the “echoes” of earlier conversation in an empty room. System: At least five minutes must have passed after the conversation before the Kin can invoke the Gift. He rolls Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7) to “hear” what words have been spoken. With one success, […]

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Dona Nobis Pacem

Rank 1 Kinfolk Gift The Kinfolk is able to maintain an aura of peace over herself and anyone she touches. System: The Kinfolk can use this Gift only once per scene, and must expend one Willpower point for the effect to occur. Humans in her immediate vicinity must make a Willpower roll, difficulty 8, to

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Eve’s Touch

Rank 1 Kinfolk Gift This Gift allows the Kinfolk to soothe the wounds of other humans or animals through his touch. System: The Kin must roll Intelligence + Medicine, difficulty 6, and touch the wound with his hands. The wound can’t be from any source that would normally be considered aggravated. The target’s injuries heal

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