Update 8/29/2023

Thanks to everyone who reported that the site was down in various forums — word reached me! It turns out Wyrmfoe was hacked (again). After hiring someone to repair the damage, I figured it was also time to finally update the theme to something mobile friendly (I’ve been meaning to do this for years and years). Please let me know in a comment here if you see anything still broken or that doesn’t work on mobile, etc. I have done almost no testing, and my css skills are minimal. The new look may not be super sexy, but it should load fast and work on mobile devices. Oh, and I finally got the https certificate set up.

I am very much hoping to make some time to work on updating/adding site content as well. I have also been telling myself this for years, but… could happen this time, right?

Many apologies to anyone whose gameplay or character building & research was impacted by the site outage. We’ve put in place a bunch of new security safeguards that will hopefully prevent this in the future.

– Brian

1 thought on “Update 8/29/2023”

  1. SergeantZombo

    Nothing broken on my end, just commenting too say that I love this site and have been using it for years as a Werewolf Storyteller. It makes my life a lot easier and keeps me from having a bunch of different books in my lap. Thank you for the hard work in keeping it up too date and running. It doesn’t go unnoticed. :)

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