
Werewolf claw marks from 2nd edition book cover

Update: 8/29

Please check out the 8/29/2023 Update Post for a brief update on the site outage and current new look.

Wyrmfoe is a database of all Werewolf: the Apocalypse Gifts (except Wild West & Dark Ages) in an easily searchable format. This site is a personal project and is intended as a game aid for players of Werewolf: the Apocalypse who love it as much as we do. We created this site primarily to use as an aid in our own games, but we hope others find it useful as well and that is increases your enjoyment of the Werewolf: the Apocalypse world. All terms and the Gifts are copyright White Wolf Games Studios / Onyx Publishing, of course!

With all modern-day Gifts currently entered into the site, we are debating whether or not it makes sense to include the Wild West or Dark Ages gifts, as well as what other elements of the Werewolf universe would be useful to include. The original idea was to house all of the data or information that needs to be frequently referred to and is spread across dozens of out of print books, but not any of the actual rules of the game. Thus if you want to play, you still have to buy the books (and please do buy them, if only in PDF form. The more sales Onyx gets the more likely they are to continue publishing books for W:tA!)

Some of the things we’re thinking about including are Fetishes and Talons, Merits and Flaws, Totems, and perhaps rites. If you see any errors in any of the contents of the site, please just leave a comment on that page and we’ll get it fixed. If you find anything that’s missing, just leave us a comment here!

Gifts included from the following books:

In addition to pouring through all the Werewolf books, special thanks goes out to Chris “Su-tehp” Fernandez-Duque, who created a similar effort in word document form about a year into our work on this site. We referred to his work to double check the completeness of Wyrmfoe, which led to us discovering some gaps!

60 thoughts on “Wyrmfoe”

    1. Jayson

      As it stands, I’ve compiled most of the gifts, working currently on Revised merits and flaws, as well as a working spreadsheet for both Revised and W20. I looked over the gift list and realized that quite a few of the BSD gifts are missing that are listed in Book of the Wyrm. I’d be willing to help, just drop me an email.

      1. Damianmasq

        Whoever has been adding all this W20 stuff has been removing the sources for many gifts and ONLY listing them as W20. This is wrong and it must be fixed. MANY of these gifts are absolutely not just W20 and their actual non-W20 sources are needed, or a good amount of the usefulness of this site flies right out the window.

  1. Tony Swain

    So, this is awesome, and wicked useful, as I am currently playing in a werewolf/changing breeds game.

    Is there any way I could assist in gathering the information in your wishlist? I also own most of the books and I’d love to help out.

    1. Yes! If you want to help enter stuff, let me know and I can hook you up with access to the backend. But I should warn you that it’s a tedious process!

      1. Tony Swain

        I’m game! It’s a good cause and I have far too much free time on my hands anyway ;)

          1. Not at all — just being a bit slow to get back to things. Let me know you’re email and I’ll get in touch with you about how it works, and get you an account set up on the site!

  2. Flyer

    You can go ahead and contact me. I run an company so my free time comes in spurts, but I already have alot of the information you are seeking. If I can help, I would love to.


  3. Ikke Kjent

    I have all WTA books let know what and I thought of something you might want to add to your list of things have. A list of Spirit Charms (ie the powers spirits learn)

    1. That’s a good idea — we can toss it up there with fetishes and talens as something to move onto once we finish Gifts. But for the time being there are a *lot* more Gifts to hit!

  4. Joe B.

    As I also have lots of free time, I’d be more than willing to help with things on the wishlist. I have the full list of Werewolf books, including the Tribe books and the supplemental books that came with the different editions. All of the Tribe books have gifts that are available for most Werewolf games that are running 3rd Ed. Let me know if you’d be interested in acquiring that information, and I’ll be happy to help.

  5. Christofer Sandell

    How do you handle 1st/2nd ed gifts? Ignore them, post them or look in a revised supplement for an updated version? Will you update the existing gifts with the W20 version when that one is available?

    1. Right now I’m only adding revised gifts to the site. Once I have every single one of those done, I may look at some older versions.

      The W20 version — we’ll have to see how they look when it comes out. If it has some differences in gifts but the system is largely the same (which should be the case) I’ll probably tag the W20 gifts and include both the revised and W20 versions on the same gift description, so you can use whichever version you prefer.

  6. Christofer Sandell

    Oh, btw. Is anyone working on a Vampire version of this site? If so, how do i contact them?

    1. Not working on a Vampire version — Gotta admit that while I play most WoD, I’m only a gibbering fan of Werewolf (thus the only one I’m willing to put in this kind of work for )

    1. I definitely can use all the help I can get — but I have to warn you that entering gifts into the site is pretty dull.

      However, if you are willing, just shoot me an email at


      and I’ll get you set up on the site to start entering gifts!

  7. Ikke Kjent

    Sorry I had a death in the family so that pulled me away from updating info.

    1. Alas, no, there is no book that has all the items. Back in the heyday of WtA it was requested fairly often, but line developer Ethan Skemp didn’t feel it fell within the design philosophy of the game to publish a book that was just a collection of stuff, or abilities.

    1. Ikke

      Pg 129 Rage Across the Heavens.
      ” A Solar or Lunar eclipse during a Garou’s birth is marked down as a definite omen. However, since child-birth typically last much longer then an eclipse’s duration (save lupus), there isn’t any effect on the Garou’s auspice. Anyone born during a lunar eclipse is treated as an Ahroun as usual (lunar eclipses take place only during the full moon). Even so, the effects of an eclipse on a Garou’s birth are hard to argue. The best way to simulate the effects is with Merits and Flaws, usually supernatural in nature; what better way to rationalize your Metamorph ability, or what better forewarning of your character’s eventual Dark Fate.”

      This is a ST box at the bottom of the page in question. Hope it helps.

  8. Zhaed

    Love the site. Aside from a gift database, what other information will become available? Rites? Fetishes? Tallens?

    1. I’d love to get all of those — probably fetishes and talens next (rites are a lower priority). But we got a looong way to go to be complete on the gifts, and that’s the first step : )

  9. zhaed

    Sure thing, I have most the books where do I start sending info?

    Also what about Fera gifts, or is this going to be Garou only?

      1. Zhaed

        Not to bad, though you should have just aked me on Skype when I talked to you.

  10. Seren

    Hey, are you guys planning on including the W20 edition rules as well?

    1. Yes, I will be including W20 Gifts — first I want to finish off the last of the original books so that the gifts are properly attributed (almost all of the W20 Gifts are reprints of most of the Gifts from other books).

  11. Thunderclaws

    Hi! First of all thanks for all the gifts. I have one question… how many gifts can I activate in one turn? Does anyone have the answer?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Activating most Gifts is an action (there are some exceptions, which should be in the Gift description, and some Gifts are effectively always active). So you can activate one Gift for every action you have that turn.

      Keep in mind, however, that you cannot spend Rage in a turn that you spend Gnosis. Thus Gift requiring Gnosis are the only thing you can do that turn (exception is if you have the Rank 5 Glasswalker Gift Chaos Mechanics, which lets you spend Rage and Gnosis on the same turn).

  12. Mike Albright

    Thank you for hosting this site! Being able to spot-check gifts and charms with your site is way faster than consulting the book. I’m glad for your resource. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help!

  13. Shrike

    I would love the addition of Rituals to the site. I’m currently playing a Theurge in MET and I constantly pop in for checking what spirits teach specific gifts. The addition of Rituals will make most of my Theurge related searching be much easier.

  14. SHondlik

    You are missing the gifts from W20 rage across the world, other than that this website is fantastic.

  15. Lurhstaap

    Suggestion – a list of Banes, specifically, would be very useful. But just spirits in general, too. SO many spirits got published in various supplements and while coming up with your own original spirits works fine there are times when I want to be able to refer to canon spirit types without having to dig through my immense pile of WtA books. :p

  16. Ren Howard

    Just wondering if more updates are being done, or planned, or if I can help with anything.

  17. Vladimir Braun

    Greetings Wyrmfoe Staff,

    First of all, thank you guys very much for you initiative! Your site is a very useful tool indeed, and I use it on a regular basis as an aid to run my W:tA games.
    Second, I’d like to sugest to you to INCLUDE Wild West AND Dark Ages Gifts in here. There are many interesting Gifts in those games and I don’t see any reason why they should not be avaliable in a W:tA game.
    I mean, as long as the players agree it’s easy to use them – an ancestor spirit can teach one of those to a character and so on.
    Also, I think that putting them together with the rest is just fine, just name the source as you already do and everything will run smoothly.

    Congratulations again!

  18. Spine That Rends

    This is an invaluable resource. I consider this site a Gift to the ST and I Thank You for putting in all the time and effort here. I look forward to the updates and additions you make. This is the most comprehensive and easy to use database I’ve found to date (and I have seen many over the years). I just wanted to share how much I appreciate your work.

  19. Robert Patrick

    really love this website and have been playing werewolf tabletop/larp for over 15 years, have ran and played in tons of games ranging from dark ages all the way to crazy other worldly changing breeds campaigns. This website has helped recently and I’d love to see it grow and add more things like already suggested. thank you for maintaining this beautiful tool.


  20. Ebonbolt

    Two questions:
    1. Do you copy spelling/grammar errors from the books as is or attempt to edit them out?
    2. Do you need copy-editors?

    1. I certainly don’t keep spelling errors on purpose — more likely I’ve introduced them when copying the gifts!

  21. Trevor Gecko

    This site is amazing, I myself am in the middle of a huge transcription work; manually writing out all the W20 Gifts, and doing stat comparative work between them and the revised edition stats. I also have been including the MET information as a tag beneath mine.

    I’m curious, when comparing a Gift from multiple sources, which one takes precedent, W20, Revised or original? Some stats were changed over the various revisions.

    1. Ooh, it’s actually been long enough that I’m not certain. Either Revised or W20 though – definitely not the original.

  22. Flash

    LOVE THIS SITE!!! We use it weekly during our Werewolf game. One critique, can the dice roller windows be increased in size? When we use more than 10+ dice we can’t see the numbers in Chrome or Firefox. Thank you for this awesome site!!!

  23. Johnny

    The gift Call of the Wyld (R1 Galliard) is labeled as being only a WW20 gift, but it’s also from the core book revised.

  24. Thygrrr

    The links for the Croatan gifts on the Werewolf Gifts page have a typo, they look for the tag “https://www.wyrmfoe.com/tag/giftcroatian1/”

    But it should be


    Seems to work then. :-)

  25. Tim D.

    Do you have an spreadsheet for all these? I’m looking to convert House Rules for a LARP game and I would love to put your work to use. It’s already a heavily referenced site for our local games :)

  26. Frank

    Hi guys, I am trying to find a Get of Fenrir fetish, where the garou removes their skin to make a suit of armour, does anyone know where i can look it up? Cheers,

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