Rank 6 Theurge Gifts

A list of all Rank 6 Theurge Auspice Gifts for Werewolf: the Apocalypse, compiled from all source books, using the revised edition of books when available. For Theurge Gifts of all ranks, see All Theurge Gifts.


Rank 6 Theurge Gift This gift was bestowed upon the Silver Fang Lupus Theurge Grimfang by Gaia herself. Upon his death, he will be reborn in the form of a cub somewhere within 2,000 miles of his demise. This is not a Past Life, but an actual reincarnation. At maturity, the cub will come into […]

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As In the Beginning

Rank 6 Theurge Gift The Theurge can tear away aeons of the Weaver’s works for a short while. This Gift rips down the Gauntlet entirely, merging the worlds of flesh and spirit as they were in the days of legend. Moreover, this mended region acts as a shining beacon to Gaian spirits, calling a flood

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Invoked Presence

Rank 6 Theurge Gift By using this awesome Gift, the Theurge can call upon an Incarna or Celestine directly, bringing their focus to bear on the area around him. This does not summon an Avatar; rather, the presence is a mystical permeation of the principle the invoked spirit represents. The Theurge will later need to

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