Ragnarok Gifts

A list of all Ragnarok Gifts for Werewolf: the Apocalypse, compiled from all source books, using the revised edition of books when available. For other Gifts, see the Werewolf Gifts section.

Myth Walking

Rank 5 Gift (Ragnarok – no specific breed/tribe/auspice) Myth and dream walk among the Garous. This Gift, preserved by the Mokolé in the form of the Gift: Dream Semblance, enables the loyal descendants of the ancestor-heroes to return them to the world. It is taught by an ancestor-spirit, or by the Mokolé. System: The Garou […]

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Gift of the Giants

Rank 5 Gift (Ragnarok – no specific breed/tribe/auspice) The Garou knew this Gift in the First Times, but only the Mokolé remember it now. Mammoth or Elephant teaches this Gift (and so the Mokolé cannot learn it save through Mnesis). System: The user spends a Gnosis point and becomes the largest creature in the scene,

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