
Cleansing Flame

Rank 5 Planetary Gift (Katanka-Sonnak) The Garou can pinpoint an area (or an individual) and set the target ablaze with an intense and purifying flame that rages for 60 seconds and then dies out completely. The fire can burn out all Wyrm-taint or human-made pollution from an area or cleanse an individual (provided the victim […]

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Hand of the Sun

Rank 4 Planetary Gift (Katanka-Sonnak) The Garou’s hand blazes with a terrible heat and gives off a white-hot light, similar to a branding iron. The Garou may touch an individual and mark them indelibly (and painfully) with a brand of shame. Any Garou who encounters the victim in the future immediately recognize the mark as

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Ride the Solar Winds

Rank 3 Planetary Gift (Katanka-Sonnak) This Gift allows the Garou to ride the solar winds that sweep through the Aetherial Realm without worrying about being thrown off course by storms. Use of this Gift also increases the Garou’s movement rate, lessening travel time between locations within the Aetherial Realm. System: The player spends a point

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Flame of the Wind Rider

Rank 2 Planetary Gift (Katanka-Sonnak) This Gift makes the Garou harder to damage by engulfing her in a ghostly blue-white flame. In addition to serving as a form of armor, the flame also offers protection from cold, including the intense cold of the far reaches of the Aetherial Realm and the freezing damage inflicted by

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Find the Heart’s Flame

Rank 1 Planetary Gift (Katanka-Sonnak) With this Gift the Garou can identify sources of energy or power, even when they are hidden or unfamiliar. The Garou must concentrate to detect the pulsations of power that emanate from even a dormant energy source. This becomes useful when travelling in some of the more alien reaches of

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